Success in a time of change and unpredictability. As we farewell another eventful year in real estate, it's given me time to reflect and celebrate the achievements of the past twelve months. In a period where markets ebbed and flowed unpredictably and copywriters...
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Be the change you want to see – a wrap up of Sherrie Storor’s inspiring Women in Real Estate Breakfast, Brisbane 2019.
When you think of a real estate breakfast you’d be forgiven for thinking red carpets, a Hollywood style photo wall and a DJ blaring out guaranteed feelgood tunes would be the furthest thing from reality. Not when the inimitable, powerhouse presence that is Sherrie...

Behind the Sold Sign – Dan McQuillan, Kollosche
In this new series, I’m peeling back the sold sign to give readers a sneak peek into the importance of having an awesome ‘Support Crew’ in real estate. Next up we have the dapper Dan McQuillan, who juggles two critical support roles. Not only does he keep the (equally...

CopyCon and the importance of community over competition
Could you imagine walking into a room full of your (so-called) business rivals and squealing with delight as you wrap them each up in a hearty welcome hug? Or swapping notes on what’s working so well for you in your freelance life? You’re meant to be instantly...

Behind the Sold Sign – Renae Hayek, Kollosche
It's time to peel back the sold sign to give readers a sneak peek into the importance of having an awesome ‘Support Crew’ in real estate. Here's an insight into the busy world of Business Manager, Renae Hayek, who provides a steady hand of guidance at one of the Gold...

Behind the Sold Sign: Hayley Wood, Ray White Broadbeach.
Each week I'll be peeling back the sold sign to give readers a sneak peek into the importance of having an awesome 'Support Crew' in real estate. First up, Executive Assistant extraordinaire, Hayley Wood, who supports two of Ray White Broadbeach's most prolific...

Is My Personal Real Estate Agent Website SEO-Friendly?
There's a very valid reason people joke the best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google - because ain't nobody got time to scroll that far when searching for a real estate agent website. That's why it's imperative your personal site (and no, I don't...

Block Shock: the secret behind Hayden & Sara’s win (or why the best apartment on The Block came last).
It would appear the pen is mightier than the auctioneer's gavel. How else can I fathom the win of contestants who threatened to walk whenever they didn’t like the feedback and were painfully self-absorbed? You see, this time last week I was all set to write up a blog...

5 tips to stay healthy when moving house (Guest blog by Caitlin Wright)
Moving house is considered one of life’s most stressful experiences. Whether you’re moving next door or across the country, it involves change, uncertainty about the future and packing a LOT of boxes. It’s hard on both your mind and your body. Here are some ways you...

Confessions of a Reality TV Real Estate Addict in LA
If there was a rehab for real estate reality TV addicts, I am sure I'd be committed. Take, for example, my recent trip to LA. Was it seeing the iconic "Hollywood" sign, nestled high into those famous arid hills, which tickled my excitement the most, or strolling the...